6th Plennary Meeting - Laravel
6th Plenary Meeting

President University, May 1st, 2024 - The President University Student Council (PUSC) has just held its 6th Plenary Meeting, on May 1st, 2024 at Theatre 1 of President University Convention Centre. In this 6th meeting, PUSC welcomed new members to Commission II as mediators. The meeting was smoothly conducted and the Board of Directors (BoD) to the Internal Bureau (IB) presented their work progression in a very clear and comprehensive way.

The meeting began with a presentation of the work program from Commission I, they divided the presentation into two stages, the first was presenting the Comparative Study event and the second was INNOVERSE. The presentation went smoothly and all members were asked to work together to succeed in the events.

After that, the meeting continued with a presentation from Commission II. They explained their main program, Pay Attention. They shared new strategies to raise awareness of Pay Attention to reach more PresUnivers. In addition to the presentation running smoothly, their presentation this time was different from usual, because Commission II had new Mediators, including Jedda Muncar Ridho Robbaanii majoring in International Relations batch 2023, and Jessy Chrissensya Anatasya majoring in Law batch 2023.

Next, Commission III presented its work program. They have just decided to abolish Decree III (Description of Approved Work Plan of President University Student Board 2024) and replace it with the contents of Decree IV (Supervisor from PUSC for PUSB's Event) as well as Decree IV into the contents of Decree V (PUFA-PUMA) because they feel that the rules and regulations in the those Decrees are not relevant and cannot be implemented against the circumstances that occur.

The next commission to present its work program was Commission IV, they presented about PUSB events that have been and will be held which are supervised by them, as well as arranging the flow for Club and Community (CnC) event proposals. Each member of Commission IV presented well and was clearly understood by the other PUSC members.

The next presentation was given by the Internal Bureau, initially, they explained the development of PUSC's social media charts, then continued with the presentation of each division. Public Relations presented the concept of the PUSC Instagram account feed and the stories that have been uploaded, the Graphic Designer presented the designs they have completed, the Multimedia Officer discussed the video content both TikTok and Reels that have been and will be made, and the Web-Developer explained about the maintenance and development of the new look of the PUSC website. Then, the Internal Bureau presentation ended with a presentation from Internal Affairs which discussed the maintenance of the wall-magazine, PUSC containers, and the PUSC varsity jacket plan.

Lastly, the PUSC Board of Directors (BOD) presented their work program. Starting with the PUSC Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, they explained the weekly meetings that had been held, the PUSC internal events they supervised, and each Commission or IB as their supervisor. Next, the Secretary presented the results of their work where the Internal Secretary explained the Minutes of the Meeting (MoM) that had been made and letters made for several needs. In addition, the Internal Secretary stated that any Commission or IB that needed help to make MoM when conducting weekly meetings could ask the Internal Secretary for help to make it. Furthermore, the External Secretary explained the letters, MoMs, MoUs, proposals, and accountability reports that have been made for each PUSC event. The BoD presentation ended with the Treasurer, who explained the financial condition of PUSC, plus they offered solutions to any members who needed PUSC cash for internal purposes or PUSC events.

The meeting ended after the progress of the BoD, Commission, and IB had been completed, then continued with an awarding session for outstanding PUSC members, Head of Division, and Best Division of April 2024. Later during the IB Session, a birthday celebration was held for PUSC members who had birthdays in April 2024, followed by a photo session.

In this 6th Plenary Meeting, all PUSC members are expected to actively participate in PUSC events. Also, all PUSC members were encouraged to maintain internal communication to prevent miscommunication and to implement work programs smoothly.


Public Relation of PUSC 2024 – Muhamad Rio Diva Nagara

May 1st, 2024

Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2024.