7th Plennary Meeting - Laravel
7th Plenary Meeting
The PUSC 7th Plenary Meeting has been Conducted Successfully.

President University, June 7th, 2024 - As the highest Legislative Organization at President University, the President University Student Council (PUSC) conducts the Plenary Meeting each month during the working period. In the Plenary Meeting, all members presented each division's work plans and progress to report, review, and evaluate during the May edition. The Plenary Meeting was conducted on June 7th, 2024, in room 204, Building B, without any issues from the Board of Directors (BoD) until the Internal Bureau (IB).

In the presentation session, Commission I presented the activities in the presentation session after successfully organizing INNOVERSE and Comparative Study. Commission I also explained the plans for conducting Research #2. All members of the Commission excellently did the presentation. They hoped they could successfully run all the activities and the new work program.

Moving to the next presentation, Commission II explained their updates and progress during the May edition. Commission II has just held a program named Polling Aspiration, which intends to convey aspirations to management comprehensively. In carrying out its work program as a Mediator, Commission II has a specific work program called We Hear You or WHY to ensure maximum aspirations can be obtained. Commission II also explained the obstacles they face in driving the aspirations to the Student Affairs and that they must optimize the availability of aspiration resources. Hence, they intend to extend Polling Aspiration to convey more aspirations for realizing the prosperity of President University students.

Heading to the subsequent division, Commission III presented their progress in one month. Commission III explained several letters regarding the law that had been made for several PUSC interests and made several Decrees, as follows: the Decree of President University Student Council (PUSC) number III Chapter I Year 2024 regarding Assignation of Supervisors from President University Student Council and the Law Number 4 year 2024 regarding President University Faculty Association (PUFA) and President University Major Association (PUMA), which are needed to be enforced its law in the President University environment.

Turning to the supervision division, they explained the supervising activity of events that PUSB will conduct, such as INTERACT and President University Idol 2024. Additionally, they presented the challenges they faced in supervising these events, including a need for more cooperation from the Project Manager and Vice-Project Manager in managing the events. Commission IV also proposed solutions to address these obstacles.

The following presentation was done by the Internal Bureau, which was started by Public Relations to explain its work in managing PUSC's social media account, such as broadcasting the announcement in the WhatsApp group, writing the press release to be published on PUSC’s website, drafted the concept and posted several contents of PUSC’s Instagram official account, and coordinated the email of PUSC to build the harmonious relationship between both internal and external parties. In addition, Public Relations also explained the social media chart during the May edition. Next, the presentation by Internal Affairs, who explained the upcoming activity that Internal Affairs will conduct before the graduation of PUSC, discussed the forthcoming PUSC merchandise and PUSC wall magazine repair. Moreover, the Graphic Designer explained the various designs they had created. The Multimedia Officer explained the content in videos made and posted through PUSC's social media. The last was the web developer, who explained how to maintain PUSC's website and some of the content that had been uploaded.

In the last presentation, the Board of Directors (BoD) presented the progress of its work program during the May edition. The Internal Treasurer started the presentation by explaining PUSC Cash in May and some of PUSC's upcoming needs. Next, the External Treasurer continued the presentation and presented the allocation of funds for events conducted by the PUSC. Furthermore, the Internal Secretary continued a presentation by describing some of the necessities of letters or documents from PUSC, such as Minutes of Meetings of each Commission or Internal Bureau, blast email letters, and the letters of activity members of PUSC. The External Secretary explained the proposal and accountability report-making for INNOVERSE, Comparative Study, President University General Election, and PUSC Regeneration 2024 & 2025 in the following presentation. In addition, the last presentation was from the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, who presented their activities in supervising to ensure that all work programs of PUSC are carried out very well.

To enhance the performance and enthusiasm of the PUSC members in doing their tasks, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of PUSC gave their members appreciation in the form of certificates of appreciation for outstanding PUSC members, the Head of Division and the Best Division for May 2024. Moreover, there was a birthday celebration for PUSC members with May birthdays during the IB session, followed by a photo session.

In this 7th Plenary Meeting, the PUGE and PUSC Regeneration 2024-2025 Project Manager presented their updates and progress. It is expected that every member can participate and coordinate actively to make the event successful.


Public Relation of PUSC 2024 – Muhamad Rio Diva Nagara

June, 7th 2024

Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2024.