PUSC 8th Plenary Meeting: The Last Plenary Meeting of PUSC 2024
CIKARANG - June 1st, 2024, The President University Student Council (PUSC) has just conducted its 8th Plenary Meeting to review and evaluate the work plans during June. This Plenary Meeting was conducted at Theater 1 of the President University Convention Center (PUCC). Furthermore, this is the last Plenary Meeting of PUSC 2024 because they are nearing the end of their working period. The Plenary Meeting ran smoothly, and all divisions presented their work programs properly.
In the presentation session, Commission I began by presenting the activities that had been carried out during June, including Research #2. The students can participate in this research from June 24th – July 5th, 2024. Commission I also shared the obstacles and challenges they faced in conducting the study. Additionally, Research #2 is focused on collecting data to understand the perspective of President University students on the dress code policies on campus.
Then, Commission II explained the Polling Aspiration and "We Hear You" podcast that they conducted in June. The Polling Aspiration aims to follow up on the most urgent (most mentioned) student aspirations from each management regarding PAY ATTENTION #1 and #2. Next, the "We Hear You" podcast aims to directly hear the aspirations of students at President University about the facilities or management's services. This podcast was conducted in the Fablab and PUSC Container by gaining input from students of different majors. Jedda Muncar Ridho Robbaanii, the Mediator from Commission II, was the moderator for this podcast.
Next, Commission III presented its work program that has been done and will be done, which is the Law regarding PUFA and PUMA in AD-ART PUSC Year 2024. Additionally, they shared the obstacles in drafting the Decree and the work programs they planned for July. Furthermore, Commission IV presented its work program as a Supervisor for PUSB events. Commission IV explained the tasks that have been done, which is to supervise the events that PUSB will conduct and the work plan they want to do in July.
The following presentation was from the Internal Bureau, starting with Public Relations to explain its work in managing PUSC's social media, followed by Internal Affairs, who presented the tasks that were done in June such as PUSC Varsity, Wall Magazine, and room booking. The Graphic Designer explained the various designs they had created, which are for Eid Al-Adha, Mid Exam, and Research #2 feeds. The Multimedia Officer continued with an explanation about the content videos that had been created and posted through PUSC's TikTok. The last was the Web-Developer who explained the maintenance of PUSC's website and some of the content that had been uploaded. In addition, the Internal Bureau also explained the social media performance during June.
In the last presentation, the Board of Directors presented the progress of its work program that was done during June. The presentation was started by the Treasurer, who explained PUSC's cash flow in June as well as some of PUSC's upcoming needs. Then, the presentation was continued by the Secretary, who explained some of the necessities of letters or documents from PUSC and the work in taking care of the events held by PUSC. The last presentation was from the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, who presented their activities in supervising to ensure that all work programs of PUSC are carried out very well.
The presentation ended after the BoD, Commission, and IB had provided their progress. It then moved on to an awarding session for outstanding PUSC members, the Head of the Division, and the Best Division for June 2024. During the IB session, there was a birthday celebration for PUSC members, followed by a photo session.
This is the last Plenary Meeting of PUSC 2024 since the working period is almost at an end. PUSC is now focused on the upcoming event, which is the President University General Election (PUGE) and PUSC Regeneration 2025. It is hoped that all PUSC members can give their best in carrying out their work programs and contribute before stepping down from their working period.
Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2024.