CIKARANG, February 2, 2024 - On Thursday, February 1, 2024, PUSC 2024 held its 3rd Plenary Meeting in Theater 1 of the Fablab President University Convention Center (PUCC). This monthly meeting aims to discuss work programs that have been implemented in January and those that will be carried out by the Board of Directors, Commissions, and Internal Bureau. The meeting was held smoothly, and each division delivered its presentation well.
The meeting was opened by the Chairperson of PUSC 2024, Lodri Sinaga, then followed by the presentation of the work program from each division. In this meeting, the Chairperson presented the PUSC Evaluation Feedback Form, which aims to collect feedback from PUSC 2024 members. Some of the feedback that has been given relates to improving communication between PUSC divisions and the discipline of all PUSC members. They also explained the progress of the Work Plan that had been carried out in January.
At this meeting, Ineza Sativa Batara, as Secretary of PUSC 2024, also explained the correct procedure for writing letters. The explanation delivered is expected to increase members' understanding of the proper procedures for composing official letters. By understanding these procedures, PUSC members are expected to be able to write letters more effectively and professionally in various contexts, both in internal and external organizational communication. Meanwhile, the Treasurer, Bilqis Ara Salsabilah, reported on the work program that has been carried out, such as collecting monthly cash from members and preparing budgets for events such as Comparative Study and Innoverse 2024.
Commission I, II, and III also delivered their respective work programs and progress, including conducting research on bullying among President University students from Commission I, delivering aspiration reports to campus departments from Commission II, and completing several Decrees from Commission III.
Internal Bureau, specifically Public Relations and Graphic Designer, reported on activities such as the publication of the PUSC Care and Connect 2023 event in collaboration with Web Developer and also outside mass media, Patriot Bekasi, and also the creation of designs for posts related to PUSC activities. Internal Affairs also sticks the PUSC wall magazine that contains the organizational structure and members of PUSC 2024 on the 1st floor of Building B.
The meeting closed with awards for outstanding PUSC members in January 2024 and a photo session. Lodri Sinaga also added that the 4th Plenary Meeting is planned to be held on Monday, 4 March 2024, if everything is still the same.
This meeting is expected to result in good coordination between the various parts of the organization. Through good communication and effective information, PUSC is expected to move as a better organization. The organization can work efficiently and productively by ensuring each division understands its roles and responsibilities. It is key to making PUSC a more active and empowered organization.
Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2024.