CIKARANG, March 6, 2024 - Monday, March 4, 2024, PUSC held its fourth Plenary Meeting at classroom 204 on the second floor of the building B. This monthly meeting aims to discuss the work programs that have been and will be implemented by the Board of Directors, Commissions and the Internal Bureau. The meeting ran smoothly, and each division delivered its presentations well.
The meeting began with the presentation of the work programs and PUSC Evaluation Feedback Form by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. They announced progress and reports, including the Executive Board meetings, Plenary Meetings, and weekly meetings. Some comments on the PUSC Evaluation Feedback Form were the commitment to cohesion within the PUSC and the importance of member discipline.
The Internal and External Secretaries reported on their work programs for this month, which include preparing permission letters for each PUSC event, such as Pay Attention #2, PUSC - PUFA Forum, and PUSC - PUMA Forum. On the other hand, the Treasurer reminded all PUSC members not to forget to fill in the Google Form as proof of payment for PUSC Cash every month.
Regarding the reports from PUSC divisions, they presented some significant programmes:
Firstly, the Commission I organised an open booth about their latest research on the 1st floor of Building B. Their research aims to investigate bullying cases at President University. They hope this research will shed light on the forms and causes of bullying in higher education. Additionally, this will help to prevent similar cases in the future. They also presented the progress of its upcoming Comparative Study and Innoverse events.
The Secondly, Commission II has completed the Aspiration Feedback Report from Pay Attention #1 and is now preparing for Pay Attention #2. The Aspiration Feedback Report from Pay Attention #1 includes details of issues given by President University students, with responses from campus management.
Thirdly, Commission III held a Judicial Training session with Sir Bayu Imantoro, S.H., M.H., Head of the Law Study Program, to discuss issues to be considered by a legislator. In addition, Commission III updated Decrees I, III and IV. Decree II was published on PUSC Instagram by Public Relations.
Fourthly, Commission IV reported on the progress of the events they supervised, such as Mr and Ms President University 2024, Grant of Hopes, and Interact. They are responsible as supervisors to ensure the smooth running of these events.
And for the Internal Bureau, they reported on the significant progress made by its sections, as follows:
First, the Graphic Designer created feeds for events such as PUSC - PUSB Training 2024, Chinese New Year, and Aspirations Feedback Report. These feeds were then published on PUSC's social media by Public Relations.
Secondly, the Web Developer has added some new features to the PUSC website, such as PUSC Functions & Explanation of PUSC Values and moved the position of PUSC Values from "Home" to "About Us". They have also published the PUSC Press Release - PUSB Training 2024, Decree II and Aspiration Feedback Report on the PUSC website.
Thirdly, Internal Affairs has added 30 additions to the magazine wall containing the organisational structure of PUSC 2024. She also reported damage to the PUSC container for immediate repair by General Affairs.
Lastly, the Multimedia Officer created and published content on Getting to Know More About Chinese New Year, A Day in PUSC - PUSB Training, and PresUnivers Favorite Study Song on TikTok PUSC.
After all the Commissions and the Internal Bureau reported their progress, the meeting ended with an awarding session for outstanding PUSC members in February 2024 and a photo session of all PUSC 2024 members.
During the meeting, it was hoped that communication between the various Commissions and the Internal Bureau could go well to avoid misunderstandings. All PUSC members must adhere to all disciplines and build good chemistry as members of the highest legislative body of the President University. A strong bond between all members aims to strengthen the familiarity of all PUSC members. With a strong bond, communication will run smoothly, and all PUSC work programmes will run well and optimally.
Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2024.