Commission IV - President University Student Council (PUSC)

Commission IV

Belia Sabrina Nasution
Belia Sabrina Nasution

Head of Commission IV
International Relations 2022
Shafira Aulia Yasmin
Shafira Aulia Yasmin

Informatics 2022
Abdullah Azzam Antariksa
Abdullah Azzam Antariksa

Industrial Engineering 2022
Dhea Aulia
Dhea Aulia

Information System 2022
Anisah Pujiarti
Anisah Pujiarti

International Relations 2022
Job Description

Commission IV (Supervisor)

Execute the supervision function by supervising events of the President University Student Board. Managed to make a supervisor report, KPI Report, and committee satisfaction to make sure the event ran well by reporting the progress and issues in the events. Building a positive relationship with President University Student Board and another student organization along with the presunivers to make a positive ambience in President University. Ensuring proposal of all the CnCs by keeping attention to the flow of the proposal drive to President University President Board in the proper timely manner.