Cikarang, January 14th, 2024 - PUSC Care and Connect was held for two days. The second day was organised as a form of PUSC family bonding.
Cikarang, January 14th, 2024 - A harmonious relationship between PUSC 2024 current members and former members must be maintained. Recently, PUSC 2024 held a PUSC Care and Connect event at No Debat Cafe Cikarang to celebrate PUSC's 15th anniversary. Thirty-eight participants attended the event.
Following the tagline of this event, "One Heart, A Million Stories", this event is a forum to remember the stories passed by the PUSC family. This event is also a forum for communication on matters related to PUSC. The main agenda carried out in this event was a sharing session with the former, which was filled by the Chairperson of PUSC 2022, Brigitta Sheren Patricia and Vice Chairperson of PUSC 2023, Daffa Azzaqihaq Soemarta.
Speakers discussed many things, such as their motivation in joining PUSC during their term, the motivation that made the former convinced to serve in PUSC for two periods, tips and tricks given to manage time in the organization, the difficulties experienced by speakers during their term, and the benefits gained from joining PUSC.
The discussions presented by the speakers were beneficial and had a significant impact on PUSC 2024 members. It is a lesson for PUSC 2024 members to develop. As stated by the Vice Chairperson of PUSC 2023, Daffa Azzaqihaq Soemarta, who is familiarly called Daffa, communication is crucial in an organization. "Communication is crucial guys. We can solve any problems as long as we maintain communication.” He explained that the difficulty he faced during his term was establishing relationships with external parties of PUSC, especially since he was an introvert, which resulted in many problems with external parties. "I was an introvert. That's why I did not know how to communicate with others," explained Daffa."
PUSC is a reasonably busy organization. Chairperson of PUSC in 2022, Brigitta Sheren Patricia, commonly called Gigit, stated that besides serving as a member of PUSC, because of her ambition, she was also active in participating in many activities on campus, so she had difficulty managing her time. To be able to follow many activities regularly, she advised that scheduling activities in one day is essential, but what is more important is not to procrastinate doing the agenda that has been made, "I think To Do List is vital, just don't procrastinate because it's useless if we do it."
This event was held with an exciting agenda, especially since the theme was "The Adventure of Life, Growing the Seeds of Life", so the contents of the event, such as venues, decorations, costumes, and appearances, did not seem dull. Instead, the event felt exciting and unforgettable.
When the moderator asked about impressions and messages about the PUSC Care and Connect 2023 event, they admitted they were pleased to attend it because the concept and venue chosen were very different from last year. "I’m impressed by the difference in concept and venue," explained Daffa. In addition, Gigit advised the PUSC 2024 family to be more harmonious, "I hope you can be close like right now and be more intimate. Don't think of friends in PUSC only as organizational friends, but also family as a whole", she advised members of PUSC 2024.
The experiences that have been told and the messages conveyed are numerous in this event. PUSC will continue to establish a close relationship with the former, and there will be #AlumniStory content on Instagram filled with valuable experiences from the former during their term at PUSC.
President University Student Council or PUSC is President University's highest legislative student organization, which bridges President University students to campus and dormitory management. The function of PUSC is to ensure the prosperity of President University students through several functions such as research, aspiration, mediation, legislation, and supervision.
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Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2024.