PUSC 2025 3rd Plenary: Start 2025’s Progress - Laravel
3rd Plennary Meeting
PUSC 2025 3rd Plenary: Start 2025’s Progress

Cikarang, January 18th, 2025 - On Thursday, January 16th 2025, the President University Student Council (PUSC) held its third Plenary Meeting at the Theater 3 of the President University Convention Center (PUCC). This meeting is a monthly regular meeting, aimed at discussing the planning progress, performances, obstacles, and achievements by all members from PUSC 2025.

The Plenary meeting started with an opening speech from the Chairperson of PUSC 2025, Alif Elang Abhipraya, followed by reading of the rules and regulations of the meeting. The meeting continued with singing of the Indonesia Raya and President University Mars by all attendees. As per the meeting agenda, each Commission and the Internal Bureau presented their work progress including their work targets as well as their planning programs.

Starting from the Commission I, which is a group of researchers, they presented strategies and methods for their tentative research plan. During the presentation, they also explained about their upcoming events, Innovative Research Week (INNOVERSE), including the progress and upcoming work plans. They also presented about not only the preparation of the event but also their plan to conduct the Innoverse event successfully and effectively. The activity is scheduled to be carried out in May, 2025.

Following the presentation of Commission I, the Commission II, a group of Mediator, presented their strategies for PAY ATTENTION #1, which is a PUSC program that aims to collect aspirations from the President University students. As a commission II which is focusing on the mediation process, they are also working on the function to collect the aspiration from the students via the system of the president university student email and this is also one of their strategies to get massive loads of the aspiration from the students. To integrate the Pay Attention campaign, they also planned to use the “PUIS Pop-up” function through PUIS to get more aspirations of students from the President University.

After Commission II being presented, Commission III, Legislators from PUSC, presented Decree I which is regarding General Work Plan and Organization Structure which it has been already published through PUSC social media channels, thus, the Decree would serve as a cornerstone of PUSC 2025 for the 2025 working period. During the presentation, they also presented the Decree II regarding the Approval of Events from PUSC to PUSB (President University Student Board), and the Assignation of Supervisor from PUSC to PUSB events. They also presented their next work plans, concerning the preparation for the Decree of PUFA and PUMA, as well as the Constitution and Bylaw (AD/ART) of PUSC 2025.

Afterward, the Commission IV gave their presentation about the supervising process of upcoming events from the PUSB. During the presentation, they also explained about the respective regulations and working steps that the supervisors of the PUSC have to follow. Moreover, Ineza Sativa Batara, the Vice-Project Manager of PUSC and PUSB Training also explained the outline about the event.

After that, the Internal Bureau gave their presentation. And the presentation was started by the Public Relation team and they reported that they have made and published press releases of the events that have already been conducted. They also presented that they also published the content and workplan from all PUSC Commission through PUSC Official Social Media Accounts, particularly at Instagram. Following the Public Relations Team, the Graphic Designer team has made all designs that uploaded on PUSC’s Official Instagram Account, starting from transparency events conducted by PUSC and information contents. The Web Developer team has successfully maintained the PUSC website in accordance with their work plan such as putting the aspiration section on the website and publishing the press releases. At the end of the presentation, the Internal Affairs reported about PUSC wall magazine and varsity jacket and also reported the internal affairs already conducted about the bonding session by making a movie night with all members of PUSC aimed at strengthening the relations between all members of PUSC.

The meeting concluded with presentations from the Board of Directors, starting with the Vice Chairperson II, followed by the Internal and External Secretary and the General Treasurer. During the presentation, Vice-Chairperson II also reported about a meeting, aimed at having discussion and consultation, that was held with the PUSC’s advisor. Finally, the meeting ended with the announcement of the outstanding members and division of the month, and the Chairperson of PUSC conferred the appreciation certificates to those who received the outstanding award for December.


Public Relation of PUSC 2025 - Ahmad Fikri Alfatah

January 18th, 2025

Press Release of President University Student Council (PUSC) 2025.